Stay in the game

Some times, you just need really good, honest friends to bring you back to center.

Today’s words of wisdom come from Sue:

“Stay in the game.”

That’s today’s mantra. I’ve made the decision to show up once. And it was amazing. But every day is a new opportunity to show up. More importantly, each day is an opportunity to ride out the waves, to stick with our dreams, to stay in the game.

What do I want? Only I can define that. And whether I want to buy into or not, I have the power to create exactly what it is I want. I’m creating my own reality every moment of every day. The question becomes: How do I want to show up today? How do I want to show up in this moment?

Many times, I fail in matching my desires, my attitude and my actions.

But I choose to stay in the game. And try again.

If today’s mantra is “stay in the game” today’s moment of zen comes from the blessings of another friend, Amy Lynn in Ohio, who went to Nova Scotia with me several years ago. It’s a reminder that adventure and relaxation are not mutually exclusive. Neither is solitude and friendship: