Saturday Stats

My #SatStatChat number this week isn’t miles but meals served. About 75 lunches prepared and served this Saturday. I have been to thinking a lot in 2017 about how to be of service. And after the thinking has come the doing. From time to time I think of a phrase I heard on an @howwasyourruntoday episode: If you want to be a better runner, be a better person. Of course I think there’s something to be said for just being a compassionate, generous human being for its own sake. But I will say that life, and running, has become more enjoyable when I come from a place of service. #volunteer #stfrancis #life #love #faith #service

My #SatStatChat number this week isn’t miles but meals served. About 75 lunches prepared and served this Saturday. I have been to thinking a lot in 2017 about how to be of service. And after the thinking has come the doing. From time to time I think of a phrase I heard on an @howwasyourruntoday episode: If you want to be a better runner, be a better person. Of course I think there’s something to be said for just being a compassionate, generous human being for its own sake. But I will say that life, and running, has become more enjoyable when I come from a place of service. #volunteer #stfrancis #life #love #faith #service
Posted by Intagrate Lite